The Three Idea Vision Board

How do you handle it when the ideas just keep getting piled onto the workload, and it starts to look like a circus act of juggling plates? This is where the Three Idea Vision Board comes into play. Read this article and learn about how to keep the ideas flowing and work on implementing them effectively.

Why A Visionary Should Never Be COO

Visionaries have a very critical purpose in this world - to create visions. However, they should not be the ones embroiled in the execution of their vision. The result of this sort of entanglement is that you have talent that is stifled, and more importantly, you don’t deliver product.

Business Process Re-Engineering - a Buzzword or a Road to Change?

Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Flow, DMAIC - just google business process engineering or BPR and click on the image results; and you can see processes that have anywhere from 3 to 12 steps. So what's the answer? What are the steps that will work for you? Read this blog post and find out.

Interviewing As An Agile Team

A primer for the recruiting process in an Agile team, and a five step guide to getting started with interviewing as a team with Agile principles in mind.

"My Teams Are Working Just Fine." - Are They Really?

“My team is working fine. Why do we need to do this?” The team lead explained his (and his team’s) stance about value based team goal setting - they knew what they needed to do and deliver, so why did they need team goals and appraisals?

Navigating the Jungle: Coaching Long-Lived Agile Teams

Each coach’s style is decidedly their own, and different contexts call for as many different approaches. What should you consider when you join an existing team as a coach? What are some techniques to start on the right foot, and move the ball forward together?

Silos Belong on Farms, Not in Companies

In today’s world of constant change, many companies have recognized the need to change with the times. However, what we find is that the organizational change happens in silos. Whether they are organizational structure silos or process silos, I have one thing to say. Silos belong on farms, not in companies.

Manage Your Backlog Before It Manages You

Here, the team isn’t managing the backlog, the backlog is managing the team. In the first instance, the product team was too hands off, and in the second, too hands on. What can the product team and the scrum master change to reverse this runaway train?

"Where is Bob? Has anyone heard from Sarah?"

In many teams, pair programming or co-working are a daily part of the environment. How do you work together though, if you don’t know how to reach people, or when they are available? 

How do I know that my team is succeeding?

When failure happens on a team, how quickly can they recover? That is our definition of success



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